What’s better than a New Year’s Resolution?

What’s better than a New Year’s Resolution?

The start of the New Year is often the perfect time to turn a new page in your life, which is why so many people make New Year’s resolutions. Are you part of the 41% of the population that made a resolution this year? Maybe a more important question is will you be part of the 8% who achieve your New Year’s resolution? According to research, 80 percent of those who make resolutions on January 1 have given up by Valentine’s Day. Does that mean you should abandon any hope of change? No, what it does mean is that for real change to take place you may need something more than willpower. The good news is that if our resolutions are intended to help us to grow spiritually, God offers us His Spirit and His grace to help us achieve the things that we’ve resolved.

I hope you can join us this weekend as we begin a new series “Stepping Out In Faith” and look together at some things that can help us to achieve spiritual growth.

Your fellow traveler on the journey,

Pastor Rick

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