Seeing Isn’t Believing

Seeing Isn’t Believing

The evil queen walked to the mirror, looked, and said, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

If you are a Disney fan, you have probably watched this scene in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs many times.

While we don’t have a talking mirror on our wall that tells us the quality of our looks, we have something better that tells us who we are: the Word of God.

A glass mirror can only project back the physical image looking into it. When we depend on that reflection to gauge our view of ourselves, we are limited.

When we see ourselves through the mirror of God’s Word we’re able to see what He sees in us.

I hope you can join us this weekend as we continue our study through the book of James and look at what it tells us about leaving mirrors and finding Christ.

In Him,

Pastor Rick
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