The Accuser

The Accuser

Ever wonder why so many Christians hang on to the guilt of their sin even though they know about God’s total forgive­ness? The reason is that there is someone who does not want us to be free and his name is Satan. He would much rather see Christians walking in a cloud of shame than living in God’s amazing grace.

Not only is Satan called the father of lies, he is also called the accuser. His job description is to make us feel guilty. Revelations 12:10 tells us that Satan accuses us before God day and night.

The good news is that whereas Satan is our accuser, Jesus Christ is our advocate and He tells us that “There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)

I hope you can join us this weekend as we continue our series “The Devil Made Me Do It,” and look at how we can silence the accusations of the evil one and walk in the light of God’s truth.

Embracing the journey,

Pastor Rick
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