What Would Jesus Undo

What Would Jesus Undo

The phrase “What would Jesus do?”, often abbreviated WWJD, became so popular in the 1990s that when a bracelet was introduced with those four letters, more than 50 million were sold.

Those four letters (WWJD) were a reminder to followers of Jesus, that whenever they were facing a moral decision, instead of just asking “What do I think I should do in this situation?” A better practice was to pause and ask a different question. Specifically, “What Would Jesus Do?

This weekend we’re beginning a new teaching series in which we’ll be asking a different question…

Not what would Jesus do, but what would Jesus undo?

What are the things that Jesus broke Jesus heart, that bothered him, that even angered him? What are the things that Jesus saw, that he could not stand that he would undo? I hope you can join us this weekend as we begin our series by looking as “Spiritual Indifference.”

Embracing the journey,

Pastor Rick

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