Do Not Be Deceived

Do Not Be Deceived

Lots of people have questions about the Bible, but do you know what the first question is that’s recorded in the Bible? It’s the question that the serpent asked Eve in Genesis 3:1 when he asked, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” In one short phrase — “Did God really say” — Satan casts just enough doubt to get Eve’s attention. He goes on to tell her that not only will she live, she’s missing out on being like God by not eating the fruit. In the end, Eve eats the fruit, and sin enters the world. This weekend as we continue our series, “The Devil Made Me Do It” we’ll look at how the devil lied to Eve, how she responded to his lies, and what we can learn from her mistakes.

I hope you can join us,

Pastor Rick

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